In the era of the cloud, customers no longer want to spend hours, if not days, of their valuable time configuring their environment and working with the Independent Software Vendor’s (ISV’s) sales engineers to install software that may need days or weeks of additional configuration.
The Software Sales Process Needs to be Updated
Customers look for cloud native or web-enabled services that offer greater flexibility, tend to be more cost-effective, lower internal IT support costs, increase security and deliver instant access to the latest product updates and features.
Let’s face it. If they are downloading your software, it may just be that they don’t have any other choice. While this may be harsh, it is the reality. This is why ISVs are redeveloping their software to seamlessly run in the cloud as fast as they possibly can.
All for a free trial that may not lead to a dime in revenue.
Stop Wasting Your Customer’s Time
Cameyo recently introduced an innovative service that gives ISVs the ability automate the demo and trial process without the need to install the product in their environment. The service significantly lowers sales and customer acquisition costs, increases trial user engagement rates and shortens the sales cycle.
Increase Engagement and Lower Sales Costs
ClockOn, Australia’s most powerful rostering, attendance and payroll system, is using Cameyo’s Automated Trial Service to give their customers a free 30 day trial of their software. The service allows them to:
- Completely automate the trial process with zero touch from the ClockOn sales team
- Seamlessly integrate with their CRM and marketing automation systems.
- Include in-trial chat so customer can immediately talk to support if they have questions.
Click here to watch a video of ClockOn’s use of Cameyo.
In addition to automating their trials, ClockOn also uses Cameyo to deliver their software as a service as trial users sign up for the product. Here are some stats from ClockOn after just 45 days of use:
- Monthly trials exceeding past performance with 75% less spend on marketing.
- Product view rate is 79.8%, up from 30% before automating their trials with Cameyo.
- Trial user engagement has increased from an average of 5 minutes to 40 minutes.
- Secured their first Mac customer (as a Windows app, customers had to be a Windows environment).
- Trials that expired are converting to customers; before expired customers were moved to Closed Lost.
Cameyo Delivers Instant Return on Investment
Cameyo’s Automated Trial Service starts at $500 per month. The decrease in your sales and marketing costs alone justifies the price. How much are you spending on sales engineers installing free trials that may never convert to a customer? And when you add in the other benefits that ClockOn has achieved, the ROI on the service is immediate.
Have questions? Click here to contact us.